Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Sad news

22-06-2011: Sólo el profesorado de  Inglés , mañana jueves, tendrá asueto en el turno de la mañana. El velatorio de la Prof. Muñiz cerrará a las 20 y abrirá mañana a las 8, el cortejo partirá a las 9.30 hacia el Cementerio de Flores.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Tomorrow Jacquie, the Language Assistant from U.S.A., will be in our course. So...Get your questions ready!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Conversation classes

Conversation Club (with a native speaker!!)

Jacqueline Cornetta (Jacqui)  is the new Language Assistant coming from Indiana, USA. As from next week you can practise your conversation skills with her twice a week. It is not necessary to enroll previously! You can meet her according to the following schedule:

On Tuesdays, from 12:10 to 13:30, in room 1102

On Thursdays, from 12:10 to 13:30, in room 802

Don't miss this opportunity!!